Steps walked: 6,581.
Furthest point travelled
to: 1 mile – North Middlesex Hospital.
Face to face non-household
interactions: 1 (thank you pizza delivery man).
Track of the day: ‘Born to
Run’ – Bruce Springsteen.
In the wake of Mr Trump’s ascent, I became quite an avid
reader of US papers. Even in a Britain being convulsed by Brexit, our news
seemed somehow sepia toned compared to the technicolour lunacy that has been America’s
lot for the past three years and more. So it is that most of my days include a
skim through the New York Times and Washington Post.
those papers over the past few days, I’ve picked up that there’s a vigorous debate
going on about whether or not joggers and cyclists should wear face masks when
they’re out exercising, with most writers suggesting that they should. I go
running almost every day now, and at one level I can understand the concern.
I’m very aware that as I run I’m both breathing with my mouth open, and also exhaling
much more forcefully than normal. I really wouldn’t like to have to exercise in
a mask, but I don’t want to be careless of other people’s wellbeing.
that said, I read a report a few weeks ago that stated that the chance of picking
up the coronavirus via airborne transmission whilst outdoors was somewhere between
minimal and non-existent. Apparently the ‘droplets’ that we exhale are so
miniscule, that the airflow we create as we walk pushes them out of our way.
There’s about as much chance of contracting coronavirus through some airborne
transmission whilst walking, as there is of a cruise liner crashing into a
rubber duck.
guess we’ve read a lot of different things this year.
There's something about being masked that I fear.
Speaking of running, this week I’ve improved my already
brilliant post-run smoothie. To the existing ingredients of milk, banana and
chocolate powder I’ve now added… half a dozen coffee beans. Trust me.
Exceptionally good.
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